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2020-2021 University Master’s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (Drawing, Image and Plastic Arts). University of Granada (Spain)
2019 Guest Student in Graphic Department with Prof. Paul Mcdevitt. HKD Fine Art University “Burg Giebichenstein” Halle, (Germany).

2015-2017 Meisterschüler in Metal Sculpture with Prof. Frau Zaumseil. HKD Fine Art University “Burg Giebichenstein” Halle, (Germany). CUM LAUDE
2009-2014 Fine Arts Degree in the Fine Arts University “Alonso Cano” of Granada (UGR), (Spain)
2005 Graphic designer. Technical expert. Granada, (Spain)

2003 Scenic lighting technical expert. “Centro estudios escénicos de Andalucía”. Granada, (Spain)

2000-2002 Superior technical expert for Media and Spectacles. Granada, (Spain)
2008 “Interactive design: Websites” (Dreamweaver and Flash), Granada (Spain)
2007 Design and modification of plans 2D. Autocad. Granada. (Spain)


2021 ArqusEuropean University Alliance. University of Granada. Leipzig Universitat. (Germany)

2021 Grant MEC (Ministerio de Educación y ciencia) (Spain)
2020 Grant MEC (Ministerio de Educación y ciencia) (Spain)
2013 Ícaro Grant Vicedean of International Relation and research. Universidad de Granada. (Spain)

2012 Erasmus Grant: Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (Germany)

2010 Grant MEC (Ministerio de Educación y ciencia). Berlín (Germany)
2006 Picasso Grant - Junta de Andalucía. Firenze (Italy) 2005 Leonardo da Vinci Grant. Firenze (Italy)


2021 Awareness-raising for equal opportunities. Women’s Institute. Ministry of Equality. Virtual Equality School, a programme organised by the Women’s Institute and co-financed by the European Social Fund.
2021 Scopus: Introduction and search by subject. Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Ministries of Science and Innovation.

2021 Mooc Heritage: Education and Cultural Heritage (Third Edition). Conecta Trece.
2020 Andalusian Congress of Culture and Cultural Management organised by GECA. Department of Culture and Heritage.
2020 Webinar on school coexistence: “Education makes us be” Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
2014 II Meeting of Visual and Plastic Artists and Cultural Communicators organised by the “Agrupación de Artistas Plásticos Visuales, Comunicadores y Gestores Culturales” Granada (Spain).

2014 Coordinator of the “Change” Arte Residency. Lamuda Collective. Alanís de la Sierra. Sevilla. 2012 2012 International Art Moves (IAM) Dresden (Alemania).
2011 International project of intervention in the Urban Space. “The Slovenian Chair. Sitting as a Contemporary Metaphore”, Spanish Embassy in Ljubljana (Slovenia).


2023 School Bullying: Detection and Intervention. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

2022 Positive Education in the Classroom. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas

2022 Emotional Education in the Classroom. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas

2021 Art director in cinema with the art director Marcela Gómez.
2016 Workshop Fotogravur Regina Stiegeler Halle (Germany)
2016 Workshop Silicone shapes with Lucy König (Germany)

2014 Workshop “Spanish contemporary glocal art market” Granada (Spain).
2013 Workshop “Industrial jewelry email” with Cornelia Weihe. School of Arts “Burg Giebichenstein” of Halle (Germany).

2013 Workshop Traditional jewelry with the the artist Benedikt Fischer. School of Arts “Burg Giebichenstein” of Halle(Saale), (Germany).
2013 Workshop Intervention in Public Space with the professor René Francisco Rodríguez Hernández from the Superior Art Institute of la Habana(ISA). School of Arts “Burg Giebichenstein” of Halle(Saale), (Germany)

2012 “OSTRALE 12” International Workshop of Contemporary Art. Dresden (Germany)
2012 Recycled glass workshop. Universidad de Granada. (Spain)
2002 Cinematographic language workshop. Universidad de Granada. (Spain)


2023 Solo Exhibition at the Chamber of Commerce in Landeck, Tyrol (Austria)

2022 Group Exhibition 'Cultural Association Sigmunds Ried' Tyrol (Austria)

2021 XIX Trienal Deutsche Internationale Grafik Kunstverein zu Frechen. (Deutschland) 2020 “No time” exhibition en “GH36”, Berlín. (Deutschland)
2020 Group exhibition “GH36”. Berlín. (Deutschland)
2019 Group exhibition “Threesome” 19 Karen Gallery. Mermaid Beach. (Australia)

2019 Group “Kulturverein SigmundsRied”. Tirol. (Austria)
2019 Transit. Kunsthuset Palaeflojen. Roskilde. (Dänemark)
2019 Group exhibition. “Profile”. Gallery BLECH. Halle (Deutschland)
2019 MINIPRINTS Galleri Heike Arndt Berlin. (Deutschland)
2018 Selected for Creative Market Festival (Dubai)
2018 Spanish Interchange in “La Fortezza” Gallery. Trieste. (Italy)
2018 XVIII Deutsche Intenationale Grafik. Kunstverein zu Frechen. (Deutschland)
2017 OpenPortfolio FIG Bilbao (Spanien)
2017 MINIPRINTS Galleri Heike Arndt Berlin. (Deutschland)
2017 Permanent exhibition in CountryClub. BAL PROJECT. Lima. (Peru)
2017 P-BODIES. Performance, dance and installations Festival. Leipzig. (Germany)
2017 SOLO EXHIBITION. Gallerie F2. Halle (Germany)
2017 ART FAIR. Leipzig. (Germany)
2017 ENGRAVING EXHIBITION La Casa Amarilla. Málaga. (Spain).
2016 „KOMM UND GUCK“ Singen. (Germany)
2015 SUSPIROS EN COLOR. Solo exhibition. Centro de Lenguas Modernas. Granada. (Spain) 2015 Art Fair. México.
2015 BAL PROJECT. Perú.
2015 “100 YEARS” of the HKD Halle.
2015 International exhibition “Arte político, erótico y onírico” La fábrica de chocolate. Zaragoza. (Spain)
2014 International Audiovisual Exhibition in the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. Lima. (Perú) 2014 Art exhibition. “Cienfuegos”. Málaga. (Spain)
2014 Sound installation “Quiero beber agua y no hay vaso ni agua”. Noche en Blanco. Granada. (Spain)
2014 Group exhibition with the german artist in Teterow Gallery. Teterow. (Germany)
2014 Exhibition with Lamuda collective. Alanís de la Sierra. Sevilla. (Spain)
2012 “Cámara Abierta”at the Center of Contemporary Art Francisco Sanchez in Torreblascopedro, Jaén. (Spain)
2012 International Exhibition Ostrale, 2012. Dresde. (Germany)
2011 “Slovenian Chair. Sitting as a Contemporary Metaphore”. Plaza Francoske Revolucije de Liubliana. (Slovenia)

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