"Everywhere we look, we are surrounded by symbols. These are used to communicate premises or concepts that, due to their abstract nature, cannot be fully expressed through another medium such as language. Studying this communicative nature of symbols, as well as their origins and role in mythology and religion, inspires my art.
Just as the use of materials and techniques in my work depends on the concept to be treated and can vary from metal to photography, something constant in my projects is the limited use of textures and colors, which helps me to focus as much attention as possible on the form and, therefore, on the message to be transmitted.
My interest is focused on themes such as death, loss, existential questions about life and the search for eternity, or whether it exists or not. With the intention of connecting with the public and creating a common reflection or feeling, I base my works on personal experiences and their vulnerability and transport these experiences into a shared world through symbols."